Excellent plans for pedestrian, cycling and bus flow improvements have been made by the West of England Combined Authority in its Joint Local Transport Plan – JLTP4, in the Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plan – LCWIP (“adopted plan”) and in the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement – CRSTS.
CyclingWorks Bristol is seeking the endorsement of Bristol businesses for improved cycle commuting infrastructure and services to help accelerate the delivery of aspects of all the above plans, that can benefit staff commuting by bike. Specifically, as short term priorities we:
Support the delivery of direct, continuous protected bike corridors along the A38 and A37, from Hartcliffe to Aztec West, and along the A4, from Severnside to Brislington Park and Ride. *
We support the delivery of coherent, direct, safe, comfortable and attractive cycle corridors from North to South and East to West. These are highlighted in the West of England Combined Authority’s Local Cycling and Walking Investment Plan – covering Bristol routes 4 (variant), 5, 6 and 9, Bristol/South Glos route 1 and an upgrade of the Portway cycleway.
Support the introduction of cycle hubs at transport interchanges and Park & Ride sites.
We support the introduction of cycle hubs, safe and secure places to lock up bikes under cover and away from potential thieves. Cycle Hubs should include: cycle share schemes, weather-protected cycle parking, cctv, swipe card entry and overnight cycle parking. Cycle Hubs should be well signposted and conveniently located as close to train station entrances or Park & Ride services as possible.
Support raising the standard of public cycle parking and working with Avon & Somerset Police to tackle bike theft.
We support public cycle parking across Bristol which is safe and secure, across both the city centre and surrounding areas. We support initiatives which reduce the prevalence of bike theft, such as bike marking schemes and appropriate investigation from the police.
Support employees to start and continue to cycle.
We support measures to both introduce employees to cycle commuting and increase the confidence of employees to cycle to work. Measures may include travel planning, guided rides and facilities such as lockers and showers.
East to West*
Extending from Brislington Park & Ride → City → Avonmouth/Severnside. Based on the adopted plan cycling routes (LCWIP ver Jan’21): Bristol route 4 (variant), Bristol route 9 and an upgrade/extension of the Portway cycleway.
North to South*
Extending from Aztec West → City → Hartcliffe. Based on the adopted plan cycling routes (LCWIP ver Jan’21): Bristol & S. Glos. route 1, Bristol route 5 & Bristol route 6.

* It is for the local & regional transport authorities to define the final routes to be delivered, however the routes must adhere to best practice in quality and protection, as defined in the design principles described in DfT LTN 1/20 (and summarised in the image below).